Article Index

Approved College Working Committees

The college has several committees for the smooth running of the College general and specific administration viz.

    1. Sub-Committee of Council
    2. Finance and General Purpose Committee (F & GPC)
    3. Tenders Board/Board of Survey
    4. Appointment and Promotion Committee (A&P)
    1. Sub-Committee of the Academic Board
    2. Committee of Deans
    3. Committee on Examinations, Scholarships and Prizes
    4. Library, Research, Publication and Conference Committee
    5. Estate Committee
    6. Student Admissions Committee
    1. College Management Committee
    2. Minor Works and Purchasing Committee
    3. Senior Staff Disciplinary Committee
    4. Junior Staff Establishment Committee
    5. Time Table and College Examinations Officers Committee
    6. Campus, Sanitation and Property Maintenence Committee
    7. Students Welfare Committee
    8. Committee on Religious Activities
    9. Student Counselling and Disciplinary Committee
    10. Teaching Practice Committee
    11. Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) Committee
    12. Sports Committee
    13. Campus Security Committee
    14. Academic Ceremonials Committee
    15. Senior Staff Central Promotions Committee
    16. Course Registration Committee
    1. Consultancy Service Centre
    2. Continuous Education Centre
    3. College Transportation Services
    4. Model Nursery and Primary School Management
    5. Model Secondary School Management
    6. Centre for Higher Studies (CHS) Management
    7. Revenue Mobilization Committee
    8. Computer Centre.

The College Governing Council Committee

Sub-committee Council

Power of the Sub-Committee

  1. Sit on behalf of the College Governing Council during emergency periods to deliberate on College Matters.
  2. Authorization of appropriate and necessary expenditures of College funds during emergency sessions.
  3. Authorization of College closure-semester break and/or students and/or staff unrest that may be necessary during demonstrations (especially if violent) and staff strikes (if violent) for security reason.
  4. Carry out any other functions that may be assigned by the college governing council on behalf of the Council.

Finance and General Purpose Committee (FGPC)

Power of the F & GPC

  1. Exercise control over the college property, revenue and expenditure of the college.
  2. Deal with any matter requiring council decision on behalf of a college council
  3. Shall direct the deposit and investment of all subscriptions, donations and other monetary incomes paid to the college.
  4. Shall cause proper accounts to be kept and audited.
  5. Shall examine, draft annual estimates of revenue, the expenditure of the College and make recommendations to the Government through the state Ministry of Education on proposals for capital expenditure.
  6. Shall consider and make recommendations to the state government through the state ministry of Education on proposals for capital expenditures.
  7. Make recommendation to the State Government through the Ministry of Education the conditions of employment of the staff of the college.
  8. May make recommendations to the State Government concerning fees and other money payable to the college.
  9. Shall such other duties as the State Government and/or the Ministry of Education may delegate to it.


Tender Board/Board of Survey

Power of the Board

  1. Determine the procedures of tendering for and the award of contracts.
  2. Arrange for the registration of contractor eligible to tender for contracts within the Board’s powers of award.
  3. Authorise the award of all contracts for works, services and the supply of goods to the College within the Board’s power EXCLUDING CONTRACTS FOR THE SUPPLY OF STATIONERY OR CONSUMABLE. Contracts for the sale of used equipment and stores are also excluded.
  4. Relate with the State government through the Ministry of Education on a matter arising to tender and the award of contracts.
  5. Consider and approve variations in contract sums subjects to limits set by the government or the finance and General Purpose Committee of the College.

Appointment and Promotions Committee (A & PC)

Power of Committee

  1. Give approval on behalf of Council to the recommendation for staff promotion put forward by the recommendations of Staff central promotions committee and Provost’s Junior staff promotion recommendation.
  2. Recommend to the Ministry of Education the appointments of officers of the college including the appointment of officers of the College including the appointment of new Provost, Deputy.
  3. Give approval to the recommendation for staff employment presented by the college staff employment interview panel.
  4. Giver approval to the recommendations of the College Central Promotions on Academic or Research Posts of Principal Lecturers and Senior Principal Lecturers after ensuring that such staff academic publication has been assessed by external accessories and found suitable for the promotion exercise consideration.
  5. Advise the college authorities on any matters pertaining to appointments and promotion of senior staff.

Academic Boards Committee

  1. Sub-Committee of the Academic Board
      1. Membership

    i. Provost or his nominee Chairman
    ii. Dean of Education Member
    iii. Dean Arts and Social Science Member
    iv. Dean of Language Member
    v. Dean of Sciences Member
    vi. Dean of Vocation and Tech. Member
    vii. Director of CEC Member
    viii. Director of Centre of Higher Studies Member
    ix, Rep. of Academic Staff in Council Member
    x. Registrar Secretary

    1. Terms of Reference
      1. The academic Board may delegate to the sub-committees such of its functions or duties as it thinks may be better and more conveniently carried out or performed out or performed by the sub-committee. Such functions include: advising the council Chairman and the Provost on all college academic matters, regulation of admission of students, award of scholarships, prizes and other distinctions and the maintenance of high academic standard in the college, fostering and encouraging research activities and publication.
      2. Ensuring accuracy of minutes of the Academic Board and that the decisions of the Academic Board are implemented.
      3. Dealing with matters specifically referred to it by the Academic board.
  2. Committee of Deans
      1. Membership
        1. Dean, School of Education
        2. Dean School of Arts and Social Sciences
        3. Dean School of Languages
        4. Dean, School of Sciences
        5. Dean School of Vocational and Tech. Education
        6. Director Continuing Education Centre (CEC)
        7. Director, Centre for Higher Studies (CHS)
        8. Academic Secretary-Secretary.

    The Chairman of the committee is revolving

      1. Terms of Reference

    Advising the Provost on all academic matters with particular reference to the following.

    1. Student admission and re-admission
    2. Applications for learned seminars, workshops, conference, staff overall academic development of the college.
    3. Formulation of policies and establishing citizen with staff overall academic development of the college.
    4. Reviewing the organizational structure of the college and reviewing the college curricula already approved.
    5. Dissemination of comprehensive information on the approved achievement programme of the college.
    6. Report on any other matter referred to it by the Academic Board
  3. Committee on Scholarships and Prizes
      1. Membership

    i. Deputy Provost  
    ii. Librarian Chairman
    iii. Dean of Education or Rep. Member
    iv. Dean of Languages or Rep. Member
    v. Dean of Arts and Social Sciences Rep. Member
    vi. Dean of Sciences or Rep. Member
    vii. Dean of Voc & Tech. or Rep. Member
    viii. Director, Continuing Edu.Centre or Rep. Member
    ix, Director Centre for Higher Studies Member
    x One member of the Academic Board Member
    xi. Deputy Registrar (Students Affairs) Member
    xii. Registrar Member
    xiii. Academic Secretary  

    1. Terms of Reference
      1. Formulation, for the consideration and approval of the Academic Board, of regulations and guidelines for the award of the college of Scholarships and Prizes.
      2. To consider candidates for all college scholarships and Prizes and make recommendations to the Academic Board
      3. Considering all Scholarships and prizes donated to the college by outside bodies and make recommendations to the Academic Board.
      4. Reviewing annually the progress of all holders of The College Scholarships and make recommendations to the academic Board as appropriate.
      5. Formulation, for the consideration and approval of the Academic Board of regulations governing the conduct of College Examinations.
      6. Reviewing from time to time existing regulations for execution and making recommendations to the Academic Board.
      7. Consideration and reporting of all matters on Examinations. Scholarships and Prizes that may be referred to it by the Academic Board.
  4. Library, Research, Publication and Conferences Committee
      1. Membership

    i. College Librarian Chairman
    ii. Dean, School of Languages Member
    iii. Deputy Registrar (Student’s Affairs) Member
    iv. Bursar’s Nominee Member
    v. Rep. of School of Education Member
    vi. Rep of School of Arts and Social Sciences Member
    vii. Rep. Of School of Languages Member
    viii. Rep. of School of Voc & Tech Education Member
    ix, Rep. of Continuing Education Centre Member
    x Rep. of Center for Higher Studies Member
    xi. Registry Staff i/c publication Secretary

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. Advising on the planning and development of the College Library Service
      2. Recommendation to the Academic Board the Regulations for the use of the College Library and its facilities.
      3. Monitoring the activities of the Journal Houses in the College.
      4. Coordinating plans for organizing researchers and conferences in the college and reporting same to the College Academic Board.
      5. Controlling the use of the College Logo on Private publications on behalf of the Academic Board.
  5. Estimate Committee:
      1. Membership:

    i. College Bursar Chairman
    ii. Deputy Provost Member
    iii. Representative of School of Education Member
    iv. Rep. of School and Arts and Social Sciences Member
    v. Representation of School of Languages Member
    vi. Representative of School Sciences Member
    vii. Rep. of School of Voc. & Tech Education Member
    viii. Rep. of Continuing Education Centre Member
    ix, Rep. of Centre of Higher Studies Member
    x College internal Auditor Member
    xi. Registry Staff Secretary

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. Requesting for and receiving the annual requests for staff establishments and funds Departments, centres and other sections within the Colleges.
      2. Preparation of estimates based on the request from the departments and other College sections having regards to all directions given by the college finance and General Purpose Committee and to the Academic Board Decisions on priorities for academic activities
      3. Submission of the estimates as prepared to the Finance and General Purpose Committee.
      4. Consideration of Special grants for research activities.
  6. Student Admissions Committee:
      1. Membership:

    i. Registrar Chairman
    ii. 2 Rep. of the Academic Board Member
    iii. Students Affairs Officer Member
    iv. 1 Rep. of Continuing Edu. Centre Member
    v. 1 Rep. of Centre for Higher Studies Member
    vi. Academic Secretary Secretary

    1. Terms of References
      1. Screening candidates documents for admission purpose
      2. Recommending candidates for admission.

Administrative Committee

  1. College Management Committee:
      1. Membership:

    i. Provost Chairman
    ii. Registrar Member
    iii. Deputy Provost Member
    iv. Bursar Member
    v. Librarian Member
    vi. Director of Works Member
    vii. Chairman Committee of Deans Member
    viii. Registrar’s Nominee Secretary

    1. Team of Reference:
      1. Advising the college Council and provost on all matters relating to Physical and Academic planning and development of the college.
      2. Handling all matters that may be assigned to the college by the State Government. Ministry of Education the National Commission for Colleges of Education and Universities to which the College is affiliated.
  2. Minor Works and Purchasing Committee
      1. Membership:

    i. Provost Chairman
    ii. Registrar Member
    iii. Bursar Member
    iv. Director of Works Member
    v. Dean, Vocational Studies & Tech Edu. Member
    vi. Senior Registry Staff Secretary

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. Authorizing the award of all contracts for works and the supply of goods to the college which may cost not more than N75,000.00
      2. Advising on the disposal of unwarranted goods in the college, contracts for the sales or used equipment and unwarranted stores are normally referred to the state government board of Survey
  3. Senior Staff Disciplinary Committee:
      1. Membership

    i. Deputy Provost Chairman
    ii. Deans of Schools Member
    iii. 3 Rep. of the Academic Board Member
    iv. 1 Rep. of Academic Staff Union Member
    v. 1 Rep. of Senior Staff Association Member
    vi. Registrar Secretary

    In attendance is the Head or Ag. Head of the Department concerned staff.

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. Examining and Reporting to the Provost on any of the Senior Staff cases as referred to the Committee under the provisions of the Edict establishment the College and the College Senior staff regulation (approved).
      2. Examining, determining and reporting to the Provost on any appeal by a senior Staff against any disciplinary action taken against such staff including termination of appointment and dismissal.
  4. Senior Staff Establishment Committee
      1. Membership

    i. Provost Chairman
    ii. Registrar Member
    iii. Bursar Member
    iv. Director of Works Member
    v. NASU Chairman Member
    vi. Junior Staff Establishment Officer Secretary

    1. Terms of References:
      1. Examining and Reporting to the Provost on may case of junior Staff referred to the Committee under the provisions of the Edict Establishing the college and the college junior staff conditions of service.
      2. Examining, determining and reporting to the Provost on any appeal made by a junior staff against any disciplinary action taken against such staff including termination of appointment and dismissal.
  5. Campus Sanitation and Property Maintenance Committee:
      1. Membership:

    i. Director or Works Chairman
    ii. Hall Master I Member
    iii. Hall Mistress I Member
    iv. Hall Mistress II Member
    v. Hall Master II Member
    vi. Officer in Charge of College Clinic Member
    vii. 2 students representative Member
    viii. Executive Office from Registry Secretary

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. Planning and executing the politics of keeping the college campus and Annex clean, tidy and beautiful
      2. Compilation of lists of college property and advising on maintenance of same.
  6. Student Welfare Committee:
      1. Membership:

    i. Dean, Student Affairs Chairman
    ii. Hall Masters (2) Member
    iii. Hall Mistress (2) Member
    iv. Student Affairs Officer Member
    v. College Librarian/Representative Member
    vi. Bursar/Rep. Member
    vii. Director of Works/Rep. Member
    viii. Head of Clinic Unit Member
    ix S.U.G President Member
    x School Sub-Dean Member
    xi Registry Staff Secretary

      1. Terms of Reference:
        1. on matters relating to the establishment; organization and control of halls residence and similar institution in the college.
        2. On all matters relating to the provision of the welfare of students and regulation of the conduct.
        3. On any matter referred to it by the Provost or the Academic Board.

    To advise the Provost

  7. Committee on Religious Activities:
      1. Membership:

    i. Deputy Provost Chairman
    ii. 3 Representatives of Christian Staff Member
    iii. 3 Representative of Muslim Staff Member
    iv. Dean of Student Affairs Member
    v. 2 Rep. of the fellowship of Christian Students Member
    vi. 2 Rep. of Fellowship of Muslim Students Member
    vii. Student Affairs Officer Member
    viii Registration Nominees Secretary

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. To identify various religious and social groups operating on the campus and make recommendations to the provost on their registration from time to time.
      2. To monitor the activities of the various religious group on the campus with a view to ensuring peaceful co-existence
      3. To ensure maximum understanding and cooperation various religions on the campus
      4. To consider specific matters on Religious activities which may be referred to it from time to time by the Provost or any other member of the College Community
      5. To act as an advisory committee to the Provost on religious matters
  8. Student Counseling and Disciplinary Committee:
      1. Membership

    i. Dr J.O Duntoye Chairman
    ii. Deputy Registrar (Student Affairs) Member
    iii. Mrs Balogun E.M. (School of Sciences) Member
    iv. Mrs G.M. Akogun (School of Voc Std) Member
    v. Alh. A.K.W. Kamal (School of Arts) Member
    vi. Dr Ibrahim Katibi (School of Languages) Member
    vii. Estate Department Representative Member
    viii. Head of Clinic Unit Member
    ix School Sub-Dean Member
    x Registry Staff Secretary

    1. Terms of Reference:
        1. Advising the Provost and the academic board on matters relating to the establishment, organization and control of Students in the College all matters relating to the provision of the general guidance of students and regulation of their conduct.
        2. Dealing with students disciplinary cases that may come up from time to time.

      Any Student charged with an act of misconduct who is scheduled to appear before the Committee shall not be eligible to be a member of the committee.

  9. Teaching Practice Committee:
      1. Membership:

    i. Dean, School of Education Chairman
    ii. Rep From School of Education Member/Secretary
    iii. Rep From School of Education Member
    iv. Rep From School of Science Member
    v. Rep From School of Languages Member
    vi. Rep From School of Arts & So. Sc. Member
    vii. Rep From School of Voc. & Tech. St. Member
    viii T.P. Coordinator Member

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. Preparation of a list of Schools (Secondary and Primary) in Kwara State and Schools in other states into where the College Student can be sent for the teaching practice exercise.
      2. Distribution of student-Teaching into schools for Teaching Practice Exercises.
      3. Drawing up a list of Teaching Practice Supervisors from amongst the Academic Staff and making available Teaching Practice Supervision timetables.
      4. Collating Teaching Practice assessment scores from the teaching practice supervisors.
      5. Preparation of a report on teaching practice exercise and presenting same to the Provost and the Academic Board.
  10. Students Industrial Works Experience (SIWES) Committee:
      1. Membership:

    i. Dean, School of Vocation & Tech. Edu. Chairman
    ii. Head of Dept/Representative Tech. Edu. Member
    iii. Head of Dept./Representative Agric. Edu. Member
    iv. Head of Dept./Rep. Fine Business Educ. Member
    v. Head of Dept./Rep. Fine & Applied Arts Member
    vi. Higher Executive Officer (School of Voc. & Tech. Edu.) Member

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. The compilation of names and small scale and large scale industry establishments, workshops, forms, factories etc into which students can be asked to go for industrial training.
      2. Liaising with the Industrial Training Fund Agency on behalf of the College for the finding of Students Industrial Training Programme.
      3. Arranging for the supervision of students on Industrial Training
      4. Collating Students’ reports and supervisors assessment scores student on SIWES exercise.
      5. Preparation of a report on students on SIWES and presenting same to the Provost and the Academic Board at the end of each exercise.
  11. Sports Committee
      1. Membership
      2. :

    i. Mr W.B. Makanjuola Chairman
    ii. Registrar Member
    iii. Sports Co-ordinator Member
    iv. Estate Officer Member
    v. Chief Nursing Officer Member
    vi. Mr Bakinde S.T. Member
    vii. Mr R.S Adesina Member
    viii. Deputy Registrar (Students Affairs) Member
    ix. 2 Student Representatives Member
    x. Mr Oguniniyi Biodun Member
    xi. Executive Officer (School of Science) Secretary

    1. Terms of Reference
      1. Giving policy direction and advising the Provost on the College’s sports programmes including maintenance and utilization of all sports facilities.
      2. Promotion of sporting activities within the college.
      3. Encourage participation in other outside sporting events.
      4. Advising the finance and general-purpose committee through the Provost on any financial involvement of the college sports programme.
  12. Campus Security Committee:
      1. Membership:

    i. Mr Amuda Mohammed Chairman
    ii. Mr Biodun Ogunniyi Member
    iii. Registrar Member
    iv. Director of Works Member
    v. Mallam M.B Taiwo Member
    vi. Mrs Ibrahim F. Folake Member
    vii. Mr J.I. Idris Member
    viii. Office in Charge College Clinic Member
    ix. Mr Kayode Jimoh Member
    x. Mr Saka Babatunde Member
    xi. Representative of COEASU Member
    xii. Representative S.S.A. Member
    xiii. Representative of N.A.S.U Member
    xiv. Senior Registry Staff Secretary

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. Shall be responsible for the security of the College life. Premises and property.
      2. Shall ensure that the College Rules and Regulation relating to the conduct of the staff and students and visitors in the college are enforced
      3. Shall investigate cases of the pilfering and some other vices within the premises, make recommendations against erring persons and report same to the Provost.
      4. To make recommendations to the Provost on any improvement that will be in the interest f security in the College.
  13. Academic Ceremonials Committee:
      1. Membership:

    i. Registrar Chairman
    ii. Alhaji A.K. Aliy-Kamal Member
    iii. Deputy Registrar i/c Student Affairs Member
    iv. Estate Officer Member
    v. Bursar Member
    vi. Deans of School Representative Member
    vii. Representative of Centre for Higher Studies Member
    viii. Representative of Continuing Education Centre Member
    ix. Office i/c College Clinic Member
    x. Librarian Member
    xi. Rep. of the Academic Board Member
    xii. Head of Department, Home Economics Member
    xiii. Rev. Salako J.B Member
    xiv. Mr D.B Kayode Member
    xv. Mrs Ahmed, M.A Member
    xvi. Mr Odepidan, J.O. Member
    xvii. 2 Student Representatives Member
    xviii. Senior Registry Staff (information) Secretary

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. Making all arrangement for the convocation ceremonies in close liaison with the College Administration.
      2. Advising the Academic Board on all matters concerning convocation ceremonies.
      3. Planning for all other major ceremonial activities like the matriculation of new students of the college, orientation for new students annual (Silver, Golden) founding day of the college.
  14. Senior Staff Central Promotions Committee:
      1. Membership:

    i. Provost Chairman
    ii. Deputy Provost Member
    iii. All Deans of Schools Member
    iv. Director of CUAP Member
    v. Director for Continuing Education Centre Member
    vi. Director of Works/Estate Officer Member
    vii. Bursar Member
    viii. Librarian Member
    ix. Registrar Member
    x. Senior Registry Staff (Snr. Staff Establishment) Secretary

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. Consideration of the recommendation made on Academic and Senior Non-Academic Staff for promotion by schools Senior Staff Promotion Committee and recommending same to the Governing Council Appointment and Promotion Committee for approval
      2. Advising the college authorities on any matters relating to promotions of Senior Staff.
  15. Continuous Education Centre management Committee:
      1. Membership:

    i. Director C.E.O. Chairman
    ii. College Librarian Member
    iii. Head of Unit Pre Tertiary Education Member
    iv. Head of Unit, Diploma in CRS Member
    v. Head of Unit, Diploma in Arabic & ISS Member
    vi. Head of Unit Sandwich/re-run Programme Member
    vii. Chairman, Consultancy Services Centre Member
    viii. College Registrar Officer Member
    ix. Deputy Registrar (Student Affairs) Member
    x. Senior Registry Staff Secretary

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. Coordination of the activities of non-regular courses/programmes like the NCE sandwich, Pre-NCE, IJMB ‘O’ levels, Remedial. Diploma, Re-Run, Professional Certificates and any other courses below or equivalent to NCE level except computer programmes.
      2. Facilitating the achievement of the objectives of each of the non-regular programmes.
      3. Recommending to the Academic Board through the Provost new courses/programmes below or equivalent to NCE level.
      4. Ensuring that the non-regular courses complement one another to enhance sound community services and educational development.
      5. Drawing up the necessary guidelines for the efficient and effective operations of the continuous Education Centre.
  16. College Transportation Services Committee:
      1. Membership:

    i. Director of Works Chairman
    ii. College Transport Officer Member
    iii. College Chief Driver/Mechanic Member
    iv. Rep. of Dean School of Voc. & Tech. Member
    v. Representative of the Academic Board Member
    vi. Nominee of the College Provost Member
    vii. 2 Student Representatives Member
    viii. Deputy Registrar (Students Affairs) Member
    ix. Executive Officer (Estate Department) Member

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. Advising the Provost on matters guaranteeing effective and efficient management of the College Transportation Services Committee.
      2. Approving Motor Vehicle (Bus) routes and strategic locations in and outside Ilorin town.
      3. Preparing and submitting annual budget estimates for the College Management.
      4. Committee for consideration and approval.
      5. Submission of annual reports to the College Provost and the College Management Committee.
      6. Managing other matters which the Provost may deem necessary relating to the Management for the College. Transportation Services and making recommendations to the Provost.
  17. Model Nursery Primary School Management Committee:
      1. Membership:

    i. Dr A.O Agegboye Chairman
    ii. Dr (Mrs) A.O. Opadokun PES Dept. Member
    iii. Mr H.A. Amao Member
    iv. Mallam Haron Ayinla Member
    v. Dr (Mrs) Bukoye R. Olufunke Member
    vi. Mr W.B. Makanjuola Member
    vii. Registry Staff Member
    viii. Estate Officer Member
    ix. Bursar Member
    x. P.T.A Chairman Member
    xi. Head Teacher Member/Sec.

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. Admission and registration of pupils for Nursery and Primary education
      2. Approval of general field of study
      3. To advise the interpretation of the regulation governing primary education in the school
      4. To oversee the welfare of teaching and non-teaching staff.
      5. To review from time to time the wider objectives of establishing the school in the light of development in our College of Education and making recommendations to the Provost.
      6. To promote active teaching, guidance and counselling, sporting and other co-curricular activities in the school
      7. To ensure the proper usage of the building and other teaching and learning facilities in the school.
      8. To review annually and report to the Provost on the development of Primary education in the school.
      9. To help control the finances f the school.
      10. To formulate policies and to establish criteria with regards to the overall academic development of the college.
  18. Model Secondary School Management Board:
      1. Membership:

    i. Alhaji A.L.A Adekilekun Chairman
    ii. Mallam Alhassan Y.S. Member
    iii. 1 Rep. of the Academic Provost Member
    iv. Nominee of the College Provost Member
    v. Nominee of the Registrar Member
    vi. Nominee of the Librarian Member
    vii. Estate Officer Member
    viii. Bursar Member
    ix. P.T.A Chairman Member
    x. School Principal Member

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. Admission and registration of students for secondary education.
      2. Deliberating on and approving general fields of study.
      3. Advising on the interpretation of the regulations governing secondary education in the school
      4. Overseeing the welfare of teaching and non-teaching staff.
      5. Reviewing from time to time the wider objectives of establishing the school in the light of development in our college of Education and making recommendations to the Provost.
      6. Promoting active teaching, guidance-counselling, sporting and other co-curricular activities in the school.
      7. Ensuring the proper usage of the building and other teaching and learning facilities in the school.
      8. Reviewing annually and reporting to the Provost the development of secondary education in the school
      9. Helping to control the finances of the school
      10. Formulating policies and establishing criteria with regard to the overall academic development of the College.
  19. Centre for Affiliated University Management Committee
      1. Membership:

    i. Alhaji A. A. Badmus Director
    ii. Mr Adeyemi A.D.A AD Examination
    iii. Mr Oyeyemi S.O AD Statistics/Research
    iv. Mallam Alhassan Y.S AD Admission/Reg.
    v. Mrs R.B Saleeman AD Welfare
    vi. Senior Registry Staff Secretary

    1. Terms of Reference
      1. Making recommendations to the Provost for consideration by the Academic Board on the guidelines for the development of the College affiliation exercises with Nigerian Universities for the purpose of running first degree and certificates program me in Education.
      2. Formulating policies and establishing criteria with regard to the overall academic development, degree programme postgraduate diploma and certificate wise; of the college as may be relevant and advantageous of Kwara State.
      3. Keeping under constant review the academic policies of universities to which the college is or may be affiliated and the College organizational structure.
      4. Advising the Provost and the Academic Board from time to time on all matters relating to the degree and university certificate programmes.
      5. Considering from time to time the implications of the review exercises of wider objectives information on University degree and certificate programmes at least once a year to the College through the Provost.
      6. Disseminating comprehensive information on University Education degree and certificate programmes.
      7. Admission and registration of students for University Education degree and certificate programmes
      8. Advising on the interpretation of the regulations governing university education in the College
      9. Promotion of active teaching, research work and community development program me relating to university education in the College
      10. Ensuring proper use of the educational facilities planned for running the university degree and certificate programmes.
  20. Remove Mobilization Committee:
      1. Membership:

    i. Provost Chairman
    ii. Deputy Provost Member
    iii. Registrar Member
    iv. Bursar Member
    v. Librarian Member
    vi. Estate Officer Member
    vii. Health of College Consultancy Unit Member
    viii. Representative of the Academic Board Member
    ix. One co-opted member nominated by the Provost Member
    x. A Rep. of the Council Chairman Member
    xi. Senior Registry Staff Secretary

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. Formulation of policies relating to Revenue Mobilization in the College
      2. Considering and approving annual budgetary proposals from revenue yielding Projects and Consultancy Service Unit.
      3. Considering Annual Reports Projects Committee and submitting them to the sole Administrator/Council through the Provost.
      4. Considering any other matter relating to it from time to time by the Provost and sole Administrator/Council
  21. Computer Centre:
      1. Membership:

    i. Dr Ganiyu Bello Chairman
    ii. HOD Computer Science Department Member
    iii. Miss. Landu T. Femi Member
    iv. Miss. Olawepo T. Femi Member
    v. Alhaji Olayiwole Ishaq Member
    vi. Mrs Gold Kafilat Lola Member
    vii. Mrs Lawal Ojibara , N.B. Member
    viii. Rep. of College Librarian Member
    ix. Academic Secretary Member
    x. Registry Staff Secretary

    1. Terms of Reference:
      1. Ensuring the computation of quantitative and qualitative information on college:
        1. Staff Data
        2. Student Personal Data
        3. Library documents, books, Journals etc. data
        4. Clinic general data
        5. Physical property valuation data including motor vehicle furniture, office equipment etc.
        6. Hotel students personal data
        7. General curricula of students, guidance and counselling sports and games and co-curricular activities relating to the college schools and centres.
      2. Advising the College Academic Board through the Provost on Student registration examinations, staff promotions, material needs of the college etc. On the basis of the analysis of computerized data information.
      3. Management of the Computer Centre with a view to generating fund for the college.
      4. Submission of annual reports to the Provost.
      5. Organizing Certificate, Diploma and Literacy
      6. Facilitating the adjustment of the publication and community development programmes and general academic development of the college.
      7. Deliberating on all other matters referred to the centre by the Provost and/or other college bodies.

Administrator Structure of the College

The college is a tertiary institution established by Kwara State Government. The Governor of the State is the Visitor to the college. Policies affecting the colleges are normally passed through the Commissioner of Education normally to the Governing Council. Member of the Governing Council are appointed by the governor, and they are solely responsible for the smooth running of the college. Their duties include the provision of infrastructure on the campus, the appointments of the Committee that take care of various administration machines of the college.

The Provost is the Chief Executive and the Accounting Officer of the college; he is also the Chief Academic Head. He coordinates the activities of the college machinery, sees to the discipline and welfare of his staff assisted by a Deputy Provost Normally acts for the Provost in his absence.


Major Units within the Administrator

  1. Provost’s office, Deputy Provost’s Office Examinations Office, Internal Audit unit, Security Unit.
  2. Registry Department Registrar’s office, academic Unit, Students’ Affairs Unit, Senior Staff Establishment Unit, Junior Staff Establishment Unit, Publication and Information Unit, Clinic Unit.
  3. Bursary Department, Bursar’s Office, cash office, Final Accounts. Students Accounts Selection, salary section, expenditure control unit, stores
  4. Estate, Parks and Gardens Unit, Civil Engineering Unit, Electricity Unit. Mechanical and transport Unit, Projects.

Library Administration, Technical Services Unit, Readers Services Unit. Circulation Unit, Reference Unit, Serials