Academic Calendar for the 2018/2019 Academic Session
The college has as its Academic Head, the Provost of the institution. He/she will be assisted by the Deputies. The Institution is divided into five schools with each school reflecting
related disciplines in Arts, the Sciences, and the vocations. At the head of each school is a Dean. The head of Department are responsible to the Deans and other Lectures are under the supervision of their heads of Department. At present, the colleges have five schools. These are school of Arts and Social Sciences, school of Languages, school of Education and School of Vocational Technical Education. These are the centres for continuing education higher studies and computer.
There is an Academic Board which takes change of all academic matters in the institution. The provost its Chairman, and the Deans of various school. Heads of Departments and Chief Lecturers are members.
The subject departments are distributed among the five schools. The two Deputy Provost are members of the academic board too.
List of School and Their Constituent Departments:
- School of Art and Social Sciences:
- Department of History
- Department of Geography
- Department of Economics
- Department of Political Sciences
- Department of Islamic Studies
- Department if Christian Religious Studies
- Department of Social Studies
- Department of Music
- School of Education
- Department OF Educational Foundation
- Department of Educational Psychology
- Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology
- Department of Primary Education Studies
- Department of General Studies
- Department of Pre-NCE/Remedial
- School of Languages:
- Department of English
- Department of French
- Department of Nigerian Languages
- Department of Arabi
- Department of Arabic Medium
- School of Sciences
- Department of Physics
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Biology
- Department of Integrated Sciences
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Physical and Health Education
- Department of Computer Sciences
- School of Vocational and Technical Education
- Department of Home Economics
- Department of Agricultural Science
- Department of Fine and Applied Arts
- Department of Business Education
- Department of Technical Education
- Department of Computer Sciences
- Continuing Education Centre:
- N.C.E. Sandwich
- Preliminary NCE
- Remedial Programmes
- Diploma in Arabic
- Diploma in Christian Religious Studies
- Higher Diploma Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Higher Diploma inc Christian Religious Studies
- Pre-Diploma in Arabic
- Computer Centre and Consultancy Unit.
- Certificate/Diploma in Computer Programmes
- Certificate in Secretariat Studies
- Certificate in Fine and Applied Arts
- Certificate in Music
- Centre for University Affiliated Programme:
- B.A (Ed) Arabic, Christian Religious Student, English Studies, Music, Yoruba.
- B.Ed: Guidance and Counseling, Library Science, Nursery and Primary Education, Physical Education, Social Sciences.
- B.Sc (Ed) Sciences: Biology, chemistry, Computer Education, Health Education, Integrated Sciences, Mathematics, Physics.
- B.Sc (Ed) Social Sciences: Economic, Geography, Political Sciences.
- B.Sc (Ed) Vocational Education: Agriculture Education, Business Education, Home Economics, Technical Education.
NCE Regular Courses Subject Combination:
- School of Sciences
- Mathematics/Physics
- Mathematics/Chemistry
- Chemistry/Integrated Sciences
- Physics/Integrated Sciences
- Mathematics/Integrated Sciences
- Biology/Integrated Science
- Physical and Health Education (DM)
- Biology/Chemistry
- Biology/Geography
- Biology/PHE
- Physics/Chemistry
- Integrated Science (DM)
- Computer/Mathematics
- Physical/Integrated Science
- Yoruba/Music
- School of Arts and Social Sciences
- Mathematics/Economic
- Geography/Integrated Sciences
- Geography/Social Studies
- Social Studies (DM)
- Economics/Social Studies
- Political Sciences/Social Studies
- History/Islamic Studies
- History/C.R.S.
- History/Social Science
- Music/ Social Sciences
- Music/ C.R.S.
- Yoruba/Sciences
- Yoruba/ C.R.S.
- History/Arabic
- History/Yoruba
- History/French
- Arabic/Islamic Studies
- Economic/Political Sciences
- Social Studies/Christian Religious Studies
- Math’s/Geography
- Geography/Biology
- Social Studies/Islamic Studies
- Computer Education/Economics
- School of Languages:
- English/Political Science
- English/History
- English/Social Studies
- English/Islamic Studies
- English/ C.R.S.
- English/Yoruba
- English/Hausa
- English/Music
- English/French
- English/Social Studies
- Hausa/Social Studies
- Hausa/Yoruba
- Hausa/Islamic Studies
- French/Yoruba
- French/SOS
- Arabic/Medium
- School of Vocational and Technical Education
- Technical Education
- Accounting Education
- Office Education
- Agricultural Science (Double major)
- Home Economic (Double Major)
- Fine/Applied Arts (Double Major)
- School of Education:
- Primary Education/Islamic Studies
- Primary Education/Social Studies
- Primary Education/Integrated Sciences
- Primary Education/English
- Primary Education/Primary Science
- Primary Education/Mathematics
- Primary Education/Yoruba
- Primary Education/History