Registration for shop rent payment


  1. Click on 'Shop rent payment' on the school website or portal
  2. A page will be displayed where you are required to fill in details about yourself. Fill in these details and click on 'Proceed'
  3. On the next page displayed, click on 'Click here to continue the payment process' from the options displayed
  4. On the payments page displayed, click on 'New shop rent payment'
  5. A payment type page will be displayed with 2 drop down menus, select the type of payment from the first drop down and select the number or months or years (as the case may be) you want to pay for. Click on Continue
  6. A payment confirmation pay will be displayed where information about you and what you are paying for will be displayed. Double-check the information, if they are correct, click on 'Pay'
  7. The interswitch platform for payment will be loaded where you will be required to enter you debit card details.
  8. You will be re-directed to the school portal where you will get the status of your transaction.
  9. If the payment is successful, you will find a 'Print Reciept' link, click on it to print your reciept


Fill in your details below

Shop Owner Details
Click here to Login if you have used the form below before
Shop Description
(e.g. 'Shop A3')
Phone Number
Email Address
Contact Person


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2025 Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin, Nigeria